Hi everyone! How have you been? I trust you are all doing super and enjoying a lovely, blessed Easter season. We certainly have, praise the Lord, though today I got a little tantrum-y with the new girl I'm working on. The eye mech cracked and had to be replaced, then the chips I'd painted were too big to fit, yada yada yada ya. So now while I wait for new blank chips to arrive, my poor little Rila is just stuck like this, twiddling her invisible thumbs.

In the meantime, I've been intrigued by the comings and goings of erstwhile bloggy "friends". Of course I haven't been blogging at all regularly, but those of you who have become close know the reason why, and I truly thank you for your continued presence, friendship and support. I actually do know who disappears from my bloggy list -- having a memory for wordy things like that -- and, having not significantly changed the nature of my posts, I can only conclude they either got tired of my irregular posts, or my irregular visits to theirs, or both. So again, I truly do thank you for your faithfulness, patience and support.
But on to more cheerful things (i.e. a trip to Dollyland)! Here are a couple of recent little girls I was working on. This is Rowan, and I think it's obvious why haha (well, in case it isn't, Rowan means "little red one" in Gaelic).
I really love redheads, and felt inspired to do her faceup as flushed and ruddy as possible. As with real-life redheads, I love how the flaming hair complements light-coloured eyes. That's two layers of eyelashes per eye there, by the way -- lush!
I actually treated Rowan's blonde hair to become the flaming red it is now, and there's a lot of it too -- it's right down to her feet! Rowan has already been adopted -- thank you so much new mommy!
And this is Scout! She actually had fairly long hair, but I felt a short bob would suit her cute little face better, so I cut it. Here she is with Flossey the cat.
The super fun thing about Blythes, or dolls in general, of course, is dressing them up. There are so many amazing, talented Blythe clothes and accessories designers from all over the world. Here's Scout showing her handpainted left-facing eyes, and wearing a linen dress by one of my favourite Japanese designers.
And here she is wearing her kitty helmet and a wool dress by a designer from Spain -- it's completely hand-knitted, wow! I actually find Scout really adorable, but the poor little thing has been waiting in the shop for over a week now -- I guess her mommy has yet to find her. Whenever I take her out for photos though, I find myself really taken with her -- I just might, maybe, possibly, actually keep her!!
Have a wonderful new week everyone! See you again soon!
I guess I didn't realize that you were painting them and creating them from scratch - that is truly amazing! and how fun color their hair - Rowan does have such pretty hair! But I admit I do really like Scout ... there is something to that sweet face
.........( *o* )............
happy easter
Happy Easter!
I love all of your doll creations. :-)
They are beautiful pal!!! Love Scout!!! She is just so darn cute!!! How very talented you are!! Wishing you a very blessed and happy Easter! Nicole xo
These are gorgeous, I love the one with the teddy bear, she is darling!! Also the hat on the other is so sweet :)) I hope Easter was a blessed time doll & your new week will be also xx
Hope your Easter weekend was a most happy and blessed one. :)
The wonderful way you personalize each one of your Blythe dolls is very impressive. The process certainly appears to be involved and requiring artistic talents, talents which you definitely have been exceptionally blessed with.
I recently went through my blog list and deleted a number of blogs that no longer exist and blogs that have not been updated in over a year or two. I certainly don't think that someone who blogs at least once or twice a month should be axed from one's list. You, dear blogging friend, have managed to keep up your blog much better than a lot of bloggers have this past year (including myself).
We all realize that there is a lot of work managing a craft based business and making it successful the way you have. Also we all have lives, families and friends that require our attentions. You're doing a great job and we all love you for it. :)
Happy Belated Easter to you! I do like red heads very much too! Rowan is so pretty with her stunning eyes! Scout is adorable and I admit to have smiled at her name. Where you inspired by "To Kill a Mockingbird?" My husband wanted to name our baby girl "Scout" because of that novel & movie but I didn't agree. Now looking back she is definitely a Scout though LOL Have a great week!
Dear Jan - Your Blythe dolls are just fantastic. You put so much work into them too. Reading between the lines and hope everything is well with you dear Jan. It is so hard to keep up with family, blogging, etc. so always understand when your posts are fewer. Just take care and may your Easter have been blessed with the joy of His love.
I love all your doll creations! They are the cutest, and sweetest things. I can just imagine how much work goes into them.
I don't mind how often you blog (or not), or how often you visit my blog (or not). I've gotten to know the habits and lifestyles of my favourite bloggers, and how active (or not) they are in blog land. We all have lives outside of this social network, and do what we can. Blog when you're able to, visit when you're able to!
Oh how I enjoy looking at your beautiful girls as I can appreciate the love and work that you put into each and every one of them. The best part is that they each seem to have such distinct characteristics and personalities :) Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Easter sweet friend.
Rowena @ rolala loves
Your dolls look so very real. I wonder if you should do one of those stop-motion movies with them. When you win an Oscar for it, you may thank me! :-)
Oh my, Janice!!!! Now Rowan is so gorgeous. Love that hair. But my mouth dropped when I saw Scout. First, my bird is named Scout, after the character sharing that name from To Kill A Mockingbird. But I ADORE that bobbed hair. It totally reminds me of Louise Brooks and all the flappers that I adore (and who Clara is named after!). Her lined dress and that knit cap just kill me. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Scout!!! XOXO
So good to see you! I hope you had a great Easter ;o) I have many followers come and go! I wouldn't worry about it ;o) For me, I might be a little late coming around, but I will be here ;o) Your new dolls are so precious! I want eyelashes like Rowan's ;o) LOL! So much detail! Big Hugs ;o)
The dolls are beautiful. Red heads always look so good in brown. When those dolls "look" at you, they look so real. I follow Rowena's blog and I'm always amazed at how she styles hers. I wouldn't worry about the readers. People are going through so much nowadays, it could be anything.
Your dolls are pretty, I think Rowan's red hair suits her perfectly. When I was a child I used to loved playing with paper dolls. I wouldn't mind playing with these! You are a busy mama and a wonderful one, blog when you are able and visit when you can because life happens all the time xoxo
The time and effort you must put into each little wonderful creation really adds up. Your finished product is so amazing and full of detail.
Have a happy holiday.
pretty nice blog, following :)
Hey Jan!
I have not been able to establish a blogging routine, no matter how I try, and I certainly don't have your wonderful excuse! I'm thrilled to see you any time you pop up!
I read your post on "When to Laugh." Sacrilegious humor is a tough one. I sometimes find myself laughing, and when I stop to think about it I am uncomfortable with my laughing. But I don't think we'd have a sense of humor, if we weren't meant to find things funny. Like you, I think we have to value the virtues common to all our religions and to respect the faith of others or the lack of faith.
I do think people can go way too far in condemning cartoonists and others who create sacrilegious humor.
I didn't realize that you started out with a blank face when you created your dolls. Rila was such a surprise! Your dolls are just gorgeous! And red-haired Rowan is vibrant!
Have a happy week! *hugs*
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