Monday, January 30, 2012
Sailor Bikbik

treasury clipping
Bound Together, by brilliant paper artist Jenny Lee Fowler. The entire list is here.

1. Knot necklace by Birdie num num
2. Handstitched mini journal by Odelae
3. Sailor's Knots print by Virginia Kraljevic
4. Intertwined print by Groundwork
5. Friendship ring by Bikbik & Roro :)
6. Vintage knot ring from Poor Sparrow
2. Handstitched mini journal by Odelae
3. Sailor's Knots print by Virginia Kraljevic
4. Intertwined print by Groundwork
5. Friendship ring by Bikbik & Roro :)
6. Vintage knot ring from Poor Sparrow
treasury clipping
eye candy
So my girlfriend has been going on about what a hottie she thinks Brandon Fehr is. Which just confirms to both of us that, similar as we are, our taste in men is just totally, completely different lol. Well, just for fun today -- and yes, I'm saying upfront now that this is a completely inane, frivolous post -- I put together all the actors I think are swoon-worthy. On reflection, it seems age is not a problem for me haha... Inane I know, but doesn't a little eye candy make you smile? Just a little bit?

Clockwise from top left: Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, Gabriel Byrne, Tom Hardy, Christian Bale and James McAvoy. Feel free to add to the list ;)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sailor Bikbik

Waiting to be stuffed - he'll be in the shop by tomorrow! Patience, a cheerful attitude, and a striped jumper -- all necessities in life :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
on superstition, and faith
The Reluctant Dragon, by Maxfield Parrish
My cousin, who's also a Christian, was a little taken aback – his remark sounded decidedly, well, un-Christian to her. After all, isn't it more than a little significant that one could easily replace the words "water dragon" in that line with "God"? Thinking he must have been speaking in jest, she asked him if he'd said what he had with "tongue planted firmly in cheek".
His reply was unexpected – "Not really". He then followed that with a fairly lengthy explanation of the dragon's historical significance in Chinese history, and its role in dispelling evil.
He ended off with citing an occasion in his own company's history that involved assembling a dragon for a particular performance. Apparently, this had not been done with sufficient "respect", and was the cause of – in his eyes – an unparalleled corporate disaster.
"I'm just trying to convey here that this powerful mythical animal has to be respected", he told my cousin. "Philip [another colleague at the time] was equally uneasy [about the way the dragon had been assembled], but he was, and still is, a staunch Catholic".
Well, my cousin couldn't help feeling a little disturbed by what he was saying. She felt she couldn't simply remain silent, for that would somehow reflect a sort of acquiescence, and yet she did not want to get into an all-out debate with this long-time colleague either. In the end, she gingerly asked, "Um... do you feel that your beliefs are at odds with your being a Christian? I was just wondering".
Her colleague's reply was curt and to the point. "It is the Chinese tradition and culture we have been soaked in all our life. I will still lo hei and expect whatever wishes that are made to come true [lo hei is a raw fish salad made up of various symbolically-rich ingredients which diners mix by extravagantly tossing, purportedly to bring good luck, prosperity and longevity to the new year];
"I will continue to partake in eating birthday noodles for long life; I will still avoid walking under the ladder if I can help it etc etc. However, if I don't get to do them, I don't expect my wishes not to be answered, my life to be shortened, or bad luck to come to me. Like I said, it's the tradition and the culture. It's not my FAITH. That's a difference, right? No reply needed".
Well, my cousin was sufficiently perturbed by this last response to talk to me about it. I was too busy at the time to write an adequately thought-out reply, and simply wrote, "The very fact that he says "I will still lo hei and expect whatever wishes made to come true" shows that he is indeed "soaked" in the Chinese superstitious stuff... and not just Chinese actually, because he even brought up the ladder bit...
"Your FAITH is what you believe, where you put your belief, what you ascribe power to... he reminds me of Edwin - covering all bases [a friend of ours who claims to be Christian, yet has god of fortune statuettes all over his place, and all the necessary elemental features in their most appropriate feng shui positions]... your colleague's like the kings in the Bible, who kept their idols, but ran to God's prophets when they were desperate and needed help".
I think my reply was satisfactory enough for my cousin, who probably wanted to just vent more than anything else, and I thought that was enough for me too, but I realised, over the next few days, that it was not, and that I was bothered in my spirit about it. And then finally this morning, as I was reading my Bible, these verses just leapt out at me: "How can you say, I am not defiled; I have not gone after the Baals [other gods]? Look at your way in the valley; know what you have done...
"[Cease from your mad running after idols, from which you get nothing but bitter injury.] Keep your feet from being unshod and your throat from thirst. But you said, It is hopeless! For I have loved strangers and foreigners, and after them I will go...
"[Inasmuch as] they say to a tree, You are my father, and to a stone, You gave me birth. For they have turned their backs to Me and not their faces; but in the time of their trouble, they say, Arise [O Lord] and save us!
"But where are your gods that you made for yourself? Let them arise if they can save you in the time of your trouble!" (Jer 2:23-28).
I don't know that one can actually separate "faith" from "belief". No no, you cannot! I still hold to what I wrote to my cousin, that faith is what you believe, where you put your belief, what you ascribe power to; it is what you loyally keep to, what you put your trust and confidence in. As the Lord commands, "You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.
"You shall not make yourself any graven image [to worship it] or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;
"You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them" (Ex 20:3-5).
I don't think "gods" here refers only to manmade idols, or Moloch or Zeus or Horus. I think one risks making a god of anything that one bows to, is subject to, or gives the honour, fear and respect that is due only to God - and that includes superstition, other people's approval, even one's own feelings.
When I started trying to walk more closely with God, I became more conscious of my own superstitious beliefs and practices. Some of them are so common that they've become "mainstream", acceptable. One of them, for example, was knocking on wood, or saying, as they do in my corner of the world, "touch wood".
Yet doing this links one back to the ancient belief that the gods lived in the trees, and that when you needed help or a favour, you'd touch the tree and speak to it, and then knock on it in thanks. Knocking on wood also prevented roaming evil spirits from hearing of your good fortune and trying to spoil it.
Well, suffice to say I no longer do things like that. In all my hopes and needs and fears, I trust to God; He is my provider and my salvation – I trust to His providence, His protection, His good plan for my life. Superstition is, I think, based on fear and uncertainty, and it can engender fear and uncertainty in the one who practices it, be it ever so subtly, taking one away from that peace and security that can only be found in God.
When we turn to other things, bow to other forces, in superstitious fear, we're in essence saying - "Yeah, I'm a Christian, I believe in God, but I've got my back-up plans in case He doesn't come through for me, in case He doesn't do what I want. I know He's powerful and all, but one can't pooh-pooh the power of lo hei or avoiding ladders either – I don't really know whether He has authority over all of it. I won't necessarily freak out if I don't get to do those things, but ideally I will, and I will make the effort. It's best to have one's bases covered – one can't be too careful!"
It occurred to me last night during my prayers that the words and actions of my cousin's colleague not only affected his own faith, and those around him, but future generations as well – his children would grow up steeped in his beliefs and fears, as would his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. That's why everyone’s still lo hei-ing right?
Now don't get me wrong – I don't have any problem with tradition per se. Lo hei is a great social activity and can be loads of noisy, messy fun. But if you ascribe power to it, if you believe that doing it will somehow harness the potent forces of fate or fortune or lady luck, if you really expect that it will help "make your wishes come true"…
I go to the reunion dinners, I exchange the oranges, I give the red packets – not because I somehow believe in their intrinsic power, but because they bring people together in love and warmth, they strengthen and encourage family ties, they tangibly show my affection and good wishes.
Well, as it says in Luke 16:15, "God knows your hearts", and what "is exalted and highly thought of among men" may not be so in the sight of God.
(And oh, re that bit about walking under a ladder – well yeah, you might get punished for walking through the sacred triangle, the symbol of life, formed by the ground and the leaning ladder. Or yeah, you might risk death if the shadow of a man executed by hanging from the ladder fell on you. But it'd probably just be better to avoid walking under a ladder because of what our God-given common sense tells us – that ladder might fall).
Christian living,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
treasury clipping
It's always so lovely to see one's things in gorgeous treasury lists that someone has been so kind as to put together -- I've decided to start highlighting them! This list, A Winter Home, is by Kayemkay, a beautiful line of handmade, vintage-inspired clothing. The entire list is here.

treasury clipping
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
19 double-takes a day. at least.

1. Pleats and bows dress by Th3rd Palac3
2. Apron no. 1 by Small Batch production
3. Ava dress by Alice Nightingale
4. Mitered stripe dress by Phyllis & Hazel
5. 40s floral wiggle dress from Strawberry Koi Vintage
6. NOS beige 70s blouse from Bless that Dress
7. Contrast trim cotton skirt by Lana Stepul
8. Short organic women tshirt by EON
2. Apron no. 1 by Small Batch production
3. Ava dress by Alice Nightingale
4. Mitered stripe dress by Phyllis & Hazel
5. 40s floral wiggle dress from Strawberry Koi Vintage
6. NOS beige 70s blouse from Bless that Dress
7. Contrast trim cotton skirt by Lana Stepul
8. Short organic women tshirt by EON
loving today
Sunday, January 22, 2012
friendship rings

So I made some friendship rings and put a few of them in the shop!

These little goodies pack a colourful punch!

They're fun and cheery, and though they're sized for kids, grown-ups can wear 'em too! Your BFF will love the gesture :)
Saturday, January 21, 2012
gong xi fa cai!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
after dinner that night

1. Pin-tuck ballerina silk dress by Prizy Sebastian
2. Pink sapphire bar ring by Metalicious
3. Vintage mother of pearl button necklace by Cloven
4. Vintage gold clutch with chickadees by Junkyard Glitter
5. A-line linen tunic/dress by Nervous Wardrobe
6. Vintage 40s revived dress by Moon Euphoria
7. Gourmet strawberry marshmallows by Ruby's Bakeshop
8. Red flower shoe clips by Eclu
2. Pink sapphire bar ring by Metalicious
3. Vintage mother of pearl button necklace by Cloven
4. Vintage gold clutch with chickadees by Junkyard Glitter
5. A-line linen tunic/dress by Nervous Wardrobe
6. Vintage 40s revived dress by Moon Euphoria
7. Gourmet strawberry marshmallows by Ruby's Bakeshop
8. Red flower shoe clips by Eclu
loving today
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012
B somehow managed to dig these up from somewhere. I'd quite forgotten about them; I think they're about a year old. Not sure what I was thinking of when I drew them; the one girl is actually holding a bowl of coral in her lap.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
she never stayed in one place long

1. Angel Wings ruffled tulle cape by Karolinfelix Dream
2. The Sightseeing Case by Sketchbook
3. Vintage mother of pearl pin by Red Truck Designs
4. Key to Your Journey print by Pretty Petal Studio
5. Nuno felted fingerless gloves by JaneBo Felt
6. Crossed arrow friendship ring by The Stray Arrow
7. Lavender Fields necklace by Sky Koltun
8. Forces Of Enchantment print by Persisting Stars
2. The Sightseeing Case by Sketchbook
3. Vintage mother of pearl pin by Red Truck Designs
4. Key to Your Journey print by Pretty Petal Studio
5. Nuno felted fingerless gloves by JaneBo Felt
6. Crossed arrow friendship ring by The Stray Arrow
7. Lavender Fields necklace by Sky Koltun
8. Forces Of Enchantment print by Persisting Stars
loving today
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
an autumn excursion at sunrise

1. Tea length wedding dress by Bridal Bliss Designs
2. Design your own Whimsy Gnome slouchy hat by Raimbowtree
3. Early 1900's wooden penny doll from A Needle In The Hay
4. Jordan oversized handwarmers by Hey Freddie
5. 1950s RCA Victrola portable record player from Busy Bree Vintage
6. Knit slouchy hat with pom pom by Cammobear
7. Gray tweed coat with orange lining by Louisa Bonheur
8. Velvet bow headband by Lacey's House
2. Design your own Whimsy Gnome slouchy hat by Raimbowtree
3. Early 1900's wooden penny doll from A Needle In The Hay
4. Jordan oversized handwarmers by Hey Freddie
5. 1950s RCA Victrola portable record player from Busy Bree Vintage
6. Knit slouchy hat with pom pom by Cammobear
7. Gray tweed coat with orange lining by Louisa Bonheur
8. Velvet bow headband by Lacey's House
loving today
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The super-talented Erin of Rag and Stone was so sweet as to bestow upon me the Liebster Blog Award -- yay! thank you Erin!
The Liebster Blog award is given to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers.
The rules:
1. You are to thank the giver, the person who awarded you the gift.
2. Reveal your 5 blogger picks, and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and Paste the award on your blog.
4. Hope that the people you sent the award to, will forward it to their 5 favorite bloggers.
So here are my five picks
(and with all that talent out there, this wasn't easy, let me tell you):
(and with all that talent out there, this wasn't easy, let me tell you):
* A Simple Thing of Beauty -- chockfull of lush, lovely inspiration
* Sho and Tell -- the clever, delightful musings of a very chic young lady
* Recessionista thru a Lens -- one hip teenager's ultracool personal style
* Handmade Artisan Jewellery -- simply gorgeous, exquisite metalwork
* Girl in a Skirt -- one of the cutest, charming-est clothing lines ever
Quick quick, go see now!
* Sho and Tell -- the clever, delightful musings of a very chic young lady
* Recessionista thru a Lens -- one hip teenager's ultracool personal style
* Handmade Artisan Jewellery -- simply gorgeous, exquisite metalwork
* Girl in a Skirt -- one of the cutest, charming-est clothing lines ever
Quick quick, go see now!
green and grey make sage

1. Gemstone cluster cocktail ring by xVELVETx
2. Water For Luna block print crop top by The Royal
3. Upcycled cardigan sweatshirt by Pierogi Picnic
4. Blue gray flower tunic by Spoon & Tamago
5. Yellow sapphire ring by Andrea Bonelli Jewelry
6. Tranquil rock collection by Cori Kindred
7. Listen 4x6 photograph by Elle Moss
8. Falling Leaves earrings by Pangea Handmade
2. Water For Luna block print crop top by The Royal
3. Upcycled cardigan sweatshirt by Pierogi Picnic
4. Blue gray flower tunic by Spoon & Tamago
5. Yellow sapphire ring by Andrea Bonelli Jewelry
6. Tranquil rock collection by Cori Kindred
7. Listen 4x6 photograph by Elle Moss
8. Falling Leaves earrings by Pangea Handmade
loving today
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
19 double-takes a day. at least.

1. Vintage Kenzo blouse from Whhttt
2. White Peter Pan shirt by Janey Clothing
3. 1960s day dress from La Belle Vie Vintage
4. Cupcake kitten hat pattern by Tiny Owl's Magic Attic
5. Nude dress by Handmade my love
6. Crochet lacelike shirt collar by TWOKNIT
7. Double cable cowl by Woolbridge
8. The Tuxedo Glove by tobywonkenobi
2. White Peter Pan shirt by Janey Clothing
3. 1960s day dress from La Belle Vie Vintage
4. Cupcake kitten hat pattern by Tiny Owl's Magic Attic
5. Nude dress by Handmade my love
6. Crochet lacelike shirt collar by TWOKNIT
7. Double cable cowl by Woolbridge
8. The Tuxedo Glove by tobywonkenobi
loving today
happy new year!

... and new goodies in the shop! Decorative animal figurines in yummy colours to brighten any room in your home. Who doesn't want a lilac sheep! These handpainted sweeties -- and others! -- will be in the shop tomorrow (or the day after :).
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