O, Puss.
Thank you so much to all of you who left me such kind, sweet messages, or emailed me with your good wishes -- it meant a lot to me! I'm not feeling 100% yet, but I know by God's grace, I soon will!
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you something I read while lolling about in bed. It's a Daily Telegraph article on Oscar-nominated actress Salma Hayek. Now I'm not a particularly huge fan of hers or anything (and I'm not mad about her when she's literally busting out of some barely-there outfit), but I've always found her very attractive, and I've quite enjoyed the odd films I've seen her in, like Frida, Fools Rush In, and yes, Puss in Boots (ok, well, she wasn't literally in that).
Well, if there's one thing Salma Hayek's known for, it's being curvaceous, and the article, Go forth and munch, is about just that. Dietary debates aside, I love the spunk and self-confidence, the wonderful joie de vivre she expresses here with such warmth:
"For most Hollywood actresses, strict diets and punishing exercise regimes are the order of the day. But Salma Hayek has proved the exception by proudly extolling the merits of being "chubby", saying that eating fattening food is the best way to keep looking young".
"I am on the limit of chubbiness because I love my food and my wine. It's not the best for fashion, but it's good for my mood," said the Mexican-born actress.
"I am happy because I eat. I am 46 -- I will not have Botox. You know why? Because I eat! I eat the fat, I eat the vegetables, I eat everything.
"If you exercise too much and you don't eat enough, it takes its toll on the skin. Everything starts ageing. And you know what? You look miserable."... "The truth is, I just don't have the drive to be the prettiest and the thinnest. I can be happy for other people for their beauty. Learn to be happy for others and you can never run out of happiness"...
"[She] is a critic of the fashion industry's use of stick-thin models. She said: "In recent years, we have had to fight against our genetic nature to look like something we are not, to look like little boys."
"Of her career, she said: "It's a miracle that I'm still working... the worst thing you can be in Hollywood is a woman and over 40.
"On top of that, I have an accent, am dyslexic, short and chubby. You name it, I have it, but here I am".
Have a spunky, inspired weekend everyone!
I love her! What a dude. I think she's right, plus she obviously has pretty good genes.
Thanks for this :)
I'm so glad to read that you're on the mend Jan; keep taking good care of yourself!
Thank you for sharing this article; whilst she isn't my favourite actress I really appreciate her point of view.
Glad you're starting to feel better. I like Salma - I love her self-deprecating humour.I am jealous though, that she's got her paws on my fantasy husband,the very sexy Puss in Boots!
she's such lovely person :)!
Hey I am Mexican, short and chubby, and also have an accent all I need is self confidence! Glad to hear you are feeling better!
That is awesome but if Salma is chubby then I must be one size bigger than obese. She is NOT chubby ~ I bet if we were to meet her in real life, she would be tiny. Aside from that, I admire her attitude and self confidence!
I love her attitude. She's very comfortable in her own skin, and that is quite an accomplishment in today's society, which is obsessed with youth and good looks.
Glad you are feeling better! Great post, we should all strive to eat healthier and more natural foods and not worry so much!
I'm happy to hear you're felling better!
Yay you're on the mend! And boy did I need to read this post today. Especially with the 'mexican hips' that really are NOT going anywhere!
Makes me want to click my heels -- outside of the movies, I'm a fan! Cheers!
I really like her!
She actually breastfed a child when she was in Africa and was criticized for it, but I say GOOD FOR HER.
I liked her in "Freida" and also "Across The Universe" and also a movie in the Bahamas with Pierce Brosnan, can't remember the name of it! xx
Then I wish be so chubby...and finally I'll be happy...:-)
That was very interesting - thanks for sharing.
Glad you're feeling better.
It's good to see you are on the mend.
Salma has a funny Milk commercial, happy to see she has a normalcy about her.
She is such an inspiration to us women! It is gorgeous to have curves. Eating is such a pleasure that I would never deprive myself of. Like you, I love my food and wine!!! Hayek proves that we can still be well liked and sexy and do not need to be stick thin!
Hi Janice, glad to hear you are better. I wanted to share this with you. Hope it brings a smile. http://youandmie.wordpress.com/2012/10/25/mollie-makes-and-a-call-for-totoros-everywhere/
Happy to hear you're feeling better and I hope you feel fully recovered soon! I think your message is a great one with this post - I'm originally from Los Angeles (from the Hollywood area no less), so I saw how self-image got very distorted from a very young age. We need to strive for a healthy lifestyle and celebrate who we are, just as we are, regardless of size and appearance!
and she is right! i love her advice! if you go the opposite way it takes a toll on your face.
You are so right Jan, I LOVED what she had to say...it's so so SO true! I can't believe she's 46:o
Weight is always such a thing for us women, I've been through it all with food, but just over the last year or two God is giving me more and more peace about my body, because I know He made me and I need to embrace it.
Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well, I am a bit behind due to the tragedies in our town.
Glad you're on your way back, dear friend.
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