I know; you're thinking, "Okaaayy...". Or, "Hm, the latest Bikbik & Roro creation for... um... babies?" Or maybe even, "Back-scratcher?" Well yeah, it could be I suppose, but it's really my attempt at making a dog toy -- an economical one that's also hardy and enjoyable (by the dog, silly).
I'd been observing Kip's play habits for years, and taking note of her preferences when it comes to playing -- both with her own toys, and things which are perhaps most concisely defined as, well, trash. I would say she really prefers the latter category of items, which seem to be far more attractive to her in terms of texture, sound and maybe even looks. Those expensive Kong things can't hold a candle to crumpled balls of paper, flyaway bits of stuffing, or even some

After finding her yet again hiding under the bed for chewing some plastic packaging she found in the bin -- while her fancy dog toys lay untouched just a few feet away -- I decided to try devising something of my own for her. That red thing above is it.
For want of a better name, I've taken to calling it what the kids do -- "Kip's paw thing". It's made of a durable canvas, but the fun part is inside -- all the crap Kip's ever enjoyed chewing (well, minus cat kibble and dubious dingy-coloured things) -- all encased in another canvas tube for safety. So the thing has different sounds and textures all along its length, made from such items as crumpled paper, fibrefill and, yes, erasers. I included a bell too because I noticed that she was attracted to tinkly noises, and made it just the right size and floppiness for her to carry around if she wanted. The one end of the paw is pointy-tassley because I've also noticed she likes things with little pokey bits sticking out.
I used some leftover red canvas, but am thinking that when I do make more for the friends who asked, I shall use blue, yellow or grey (dogs see the world in these colours). Of course, the real test came when I finally presented the paw to Kip; these are just a few of the pictures I took over the past couple of weeks!


All through the day...

And into the night, under the bed...

Wonderful for tug-of-war...

Or entertainment on muggy afternoons...

Or maybe even just as a friend.
I'm happy to report that Kip's paw thing is still intact and un-destroyed despite the daily assaults of biting and slobbering -- way better than rawhide! What crap does your dog like chewing on? Turn it into a safe toy for Fido and maybe he'll stay out of the dustbin for awhile :)
Brilliant!! Happy dog = happy pet owner!
Brilliant idea! Hmmm, that might be a good idea for Abby; mayhap it would keep her from chewing my books.
Great idea, Jan! My dog has a mountain of toys and seems to prefer the sausage shaped ones the best. Kip is a beautiful little pup!
so precious x
So cleaver! And Kip looks obsessed with it! What a fantastic idea
Haha...that is so cute! What a great idea. That is one happy canine! What an adorable little dog.
Oh my gosh...your Kip is such a cutie!!! And your new toy is such a great idea! I bet these will do really well!
what a great idea! Kip obviously thinks so too :-) And Kip is such a cutie!
Quick take out a patent! It cud be the next big thing since Psy went Gangnam Style! & u can simply just cont to call it Kip's Paw Thing {:-)
So cute! I thought it was a dog toy right away. Your little Kip is adorable! Our dog, Alfie, can't have stuffed dog toys. He sits down and works at it until he tears it open and pulls out the stuffing. We stick with hard rubber toys.
What fun! Kip is so cute and a walking advertisement! Great photos ~ and such a creative idea! Have a happy Valentine's Day!
my kitty's have something similar to this filled with cat nip and they love it....I think your Kip is a wonderful endorsement for your creation...I am sure you will be able to sell them with no problem :)
This is fantastic! You are a smart mommy! I love the pictures of Kip ;o)
Now that is a beautiful toy for a gorgeous dog. Hope you have a wonderful day friend. God Bless.
Um, could this be the cutest post ever? You are clearly an AWESOME dog mama. And your baby is too, too cute. My Hubbell likes Kongs filled with treats and a little peanut butter, soft toys with a squeaker inside and tennis balls. My Kenzie likes the glow-in-the-dark balls. They're old now (12 and 13) but they still play with their toys....
What an adorable dog!! Ours would love something like these, too! So cute!
ahhh I LOVE it, Nells would dig it!! Cute idea, I think you should go for it, they'd sell well :)
HOw are you Jan?
Oh that's so adorable. Such a cute dog and great toy :)
Nice work! I can see she loves her new toy. The photos are adorable. That last one reminds me of my girl kitty who sleeps with her favorite toy like that. :)
I'm such a sucker for any and all things relating to dogs - Your Kip is adorable!! You are quite the smart gal (course you already knew that), designing this cute toy for her. Great job! BTW, our beloved "Boudxy" loves sneaking empty toilet paper rolls out of the bathroom trash.
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