And when towards the sea you leap,
He looks as if he were asleep.
But when you once get in his range,
His whole demeanor seems to change.
He throws his body right about,
And his true character comes out.
It's no use crying or appealing,
He seems to lose all decent feeling.
After this warning you will wish
To keep clear of this treacherous fish.
from The Shark, by Lord Alfred Douglas

Well of course I wasn't referring to this sweet Guppy!

She's a custom order Guppy girl, made with the sweetest vintage flannel, and measuring a whopping 17" (well, whopping as far as guppies go). I hadn't been crafting for quite awhile, and didn't realise I was all out of stuffing, so Guppy girl had to go about half-stuffed for a few days.

Eventually, though, she was all ready to go to her new home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She has been certified "Cozy and Huggable" by Ro :)
Have a super lovely rest of the week!
That is the cutest, love that :)) xx
What an adorable guppy! And I love that shark poem. Shark week was just last week as well!
Cozy and Huggable gets my vote every time! Adorable!!!
i like it :)
Ooohhh, someone is going to be very happy!!! That vintage flannel is gorgeous and SO snuggly!
Omigosh so cute! And Ro has to be the most adorable quality control checker ever :)
Totally looking forward to your Gregory Peck feature!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Oh, how sweet! Just waiting to be snuggled and loved.
such a fun and adorable toy!!
Love this! So precious! /Madison
Awwww...so sweet! What an adorable guppy. And I love that photo of your daughter!
So adorable! I wouldn't mind having one of those myself! xD
I am glad guppy girl was certified!
I love this big guppy! We have family members up in Nova Scotia. The rest of our family migrated down to the states. I would love to visit there some day. :) Ro looks adorable by the way.
So precious!! Nova Scotia! Wow! Beautiful place ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
so sweet! always good to have 'testers' near by :)
Hi Janice,
I reckon this would be a long comment.
Firstly, I haven't been around your blog for quite some time. I've been quite busy at work that I usually return visits to bloggers/ blogger friends who leave me a comment during my pockets of free time.
And then one day, your sweet little daughter left me a comment on my tummy illness. I was so drawn to her comment as from the profile picture on my blog, I couldn't tell if she was a little girl or an adult as I thought the profile picture could be a parent using her kid's photo. However, her words are just so innocent and child-like that I assumed that she is a little girl. Yet, her language is amazing. Hence when I had the time, I decided to pop by her blog for a quick read. I was so drawn to her child-like innocence and her beautiful language that I thought to myself that this must be a parent-child blog. I instantly took a liking to her parent. Also, it is seldom that I come across fellow Singaporeans in the GFC blogging community. (Somehow, sg bloggers are of a different circle and don't really connect with overseas bloggers via the way we do.)
Then when I wanted to follow her cute little Singaporean blog, I realised that I've followed her a long time ago! It got me so puzzled that it set me thinking since when had I ever come across this blog and followed it. And then I began exploring around and all the puzzle pieces were beginning to fit. I felt so silly that I took so long to realise that Rebeca is the daughter of BikBik and RoRo! I know of your blog and all your beautiful craftwork and soft toys but I haven't really quite known you enough to fit pieces together. I'm so glad I finally did.
I don't remember you having an "about me" page the very first few times I stumbled onto your blog coz I would most definitely click that page for any new blogger friends as I prefer to know more about the people I connect with. It is only now did I know your name is Janice and that you are a Singaporean. From your previous posts and photos, you and your daughters look like you reside overseas.
I think I've let you in enough on my little delight and discovery. Congrats on your newborn (not so newborn anymore by the time I realised). You have such a beautiful family and I could tell what a good parent you are.
Let's continue to keep in touch! Happy Sunday!
You are very talented! This whopping guppy sure looks cuddly. And it must be really therapeutic for you to create such lovely crafts! I remembered cross-stitching when I was younger. I tried sewing too but did not succeed though. I hope your weekend was great! :)
Cute + cuddly = a perfect combination. :)
Too cute!! I'm thinking of having one made for my nephew (check your inbox)
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