Hi everyone! How have you been? Yes, it's another weekend! Thank you so much to everyone who's still faithfully sticking with me :) I shan't be writing much this time round, as I'm under the influence of some meds that are making me really drowsy. It's quite miserable really, but I'm trusting God for complete healing in His perfect timing, so I'm pressing on (but will talk with the doctor about getting on a different med)! Your prayers would also be greatly appreciated :)
Well, this here is Electra, one of two little girls up for adoption in the shop now; she was inspired by my love for stars -- Electra is the name of a giant blue star in the constellation of Taurus. She is one of the nine brightest stars in the Pleiades open cluster; I even "tattooed" the cluster on Electra's body -- it runs down the side of her neck and across her chest.
And this is Elodie, my sweet little hippie. I had the song
San Francisco by John Phillips (and sung by Scott McKenzie) running through my head the entire time I was carving and painting; needless to say, I
had to make her a floral head wreath! Again, both girls are looking for forever homes now; bloggy friends, feel free to make an offer if you like :)
In other dolly news, Tova's hair finally came! It suits her so perfectly I think; she looks so adorable and naughty and loving and playful all at the same time -- just like a real child. Here she is with her best friend, Rufus the bear.
Several people did ask me about Rufus; they'd never seen a teddy quite like him before. Indeed, Rufus was a kind of "holy grail" for me as an antique and vintage bear collector; he is a 19" Tru-to-Life American Black Bear made by Dean's Rag Book Co. in the 50s. Happily, Rufus' fur and rubber molded parts are still in lovely condition; being unjointed and stuffed with excelsior and kapok, he is wonderfully floppy and weighty, and feels just like a real cub might if you were to carry him. His legs are sewn to the front of his body, so that he is always in a sitting position, but he is perfect for Tova to lie on. Doesn't he have the sweetest expression?
Well, that's all for now -- but o! before I go, a few long-overdue shots of little Jakey. He's just turned one; how time flies! He can walk now and is such a bundle of adorableness -- he makes any post-childbirth ailments worthwhile. Sorry these pictures are so dreadful in terms of lighting and composition -- I grab what I can, when I can lol! (and yes, that unholy mess you see in the background is part of my tiny "art studio").

And one last thing -- have you heard of
moo.com? Moo is an award-winning online printing company -- they help customers print business cards, postcards, stickers, letterheads and so forth. No, I am not being paid, or even asked, to write this lol, but I have personally had good experiences with them, and would recommend their services. They're having a sitewide 25% off sale at the moment, but it'll be over come the 21st. If you'd like to get 10% discount off your first order (and help me earn some money off my next one!) just follow this link:
OK, happy, blessed weekend and new week everyone!! See you again soon!!