the book depository
OK, I have to admit it -- I am a big, nay, huge, fan of The Book Depository. For those of you who don't know, The Book Depository is the UK's largest online bookseller, purportedly carrying the largest range of titles in the world. Besides the fact that I've managed to find many excellently-priced books there, the real clincher is -- free worldwide shipping. And not only that -- the company even offers periodic special discounts, which certain other, ahem, "big book places" pretty much never do.
*Speaking of which -- send out a Summer Book Festival postcard and you'll get yourself and your friends a storewide 10% discount!
Now, what I find really cute about them are the bookmarks they always send out with their orders. They're the basic long retangular card kind, but the content on them is just brilliant. I mean, just look -- that black one above on the left? Those are ounce to gram conversions. And the cute little flame things show temperature/gas mark conversions (I bake, and I'm always having to look up those things for our little oven). On the back, cooking measurements. How cute is that?
Some of my recent purchases? Just Grace books for B, and The Bishop of Hell & Other Stories for me (read this people -- it is good).
me too! I don't shop for books anywhere else now cos Book Depository is cheaper and free shipping... how cool is that?! It's like a God-send for mums like me who finds it hard to go browsing in the bookstore :p
the discount can be used on both the .com and websites, sometimes the prices vary between the 2.
Link to discount codes for both websites:
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